Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ductless Air Conditioners: The Personalized Approach to Heating & Cooling!

With summer comes that age old struggle over your home’s thermostat. Dad runs hot, mom’s always cold, and it’s tough to find the middle ground. As Michigan’s temperatures ramp up, ramp up your cooling system with a ductless air conditioner. Ductless air conditioners can create cool zones inside a home, making the temperature of a single room up to the tastes of the person in it. 

To look more into this personalized approach to temperature regulation, click here

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Efficient Air Conditioning Solutions for Your Ann Arbor Home

Looking for an efficient solution to your air conditioning needs? Consider looking to a ductless air conditioner as a
solution. If you have a room that needs specific temperature needs, a picky family with different demands on the air conditioning, or have added an additional room to your home, a ductless air conditioner could be a great option. 

Explore this beautifully simple solution more here.