Monday, July 15, 2024

How Do Air Conditioners Improve Indoor Air Quality

Looking to improve your indoor air quality?

Many people turn to investing in air purifiers or plants however, your air conditioner is one of the easiest ways to achieve this! An air conditioner’s role in improving indoor air quality is significant, yet often overlooked.

Understanding how your air conditioner can improve your air will help you create a healthier, more comfortable living environment.

Here are some ways your HVAC achieves this:


Your air conditioner has filters that are designed to capture dust, pollen, pet dander. This circulation process helps remove unwanted particles in the air, which creates a cleaner and healthier space.

Humidity Control 

In addition to regulating temperature, your air conditioner also controls your indoor humidity levels. High levels of humidity promote mold and mildew growth, and contribute to health issues like respiratory problems and allergies.

By removing excess moisture from your home, air conditioners improve your overall quality of air.


While air conditioners primarily recirculate indoor air, they also play a role in ventilation.

Many modern buildings have ventilation systems integrated with their HVAC systems to introduce fresh outdoor air and remove stale indoor air.

Ventilation like this helps dilute indoor pollutants which is another way to maintain a healthy indoor environment.

Read our latest article to learn more! 

CMR Mechanical Helps Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in Ann Arbor!

Next time you turn on your air conditioner, remember that it’s not just keeping you and your home cool, it’s also helping you breathe easier and healthier indoors.

If you have questions on how to improve your indoor air quality in Ann Arbor, contact us. We’d love to help!

Monday, July 1, 2024

How to Make Sure Your Air Conditioner is Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

When’s the last time you had an HVAC inspection?

After spending hours outside sweating through the summer heat, there is nothing that feels better than coming back to your cool, comfortable home. The last thing you’ll want to deal with in this situation are unpleasant odors, unwanted dust, or poor air flow coming out of your air conditioner. 

The state of your indoor air quality is directly related to the way you upkeep your air conditioner. If too much time has passed since it last received maintenance, your air quality will begin to decline. 

Here are some ways to keep your air conditioner happy: 

Choose the Right System

Look for systems with high-efficiency filters, additional purification features, and energy-efficient designs. Not sure where to start? Consult with us to help you choose the right system based off your specific indoor air quality needs. 

Maintenance and Regular Servicing

Regular maintenance is needed to make sure your air conditioner continues to contribute positively to your indoor air quality. Scheduling professional inspections and cleanings will keep your filters, coils, and ducts clean and ensure that your system continues running efficiently. No one wants to breathe in dust and other unwanted particles, so don’t neglect this part! 

Read our latest article to learn more! 

We’re Here to Help Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in Ann Arbor! 

By being proactive about your indoor air quality, you can ensure that your air conditioner not only keeps you cool but also keeps you healthy and comfortable during hot summer months. 

If you have questions on how to improve your indoor air quality in Ann Arbor, contact us. We’d love to help!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Dangers of DIY Air Conditioner Repairs

Getting ready to attempt a DIY air conditioner repair?

You may want to read our latest article breaking down the hidden costs of DIY HVAC repairs!

In addition to hidden costs, it’s important to be made aware of the potential danger that comes with attempting repairs like these without professional training.

Here are ways a DIY air conditioner repair can go wrong:

Electrocution Hazards

Air conditioners are powerful electric systems. Neglecting safety protocols and faulty wiring can put you at risk of electrocuting yourself.

An electric shock can cause burns, seizures, and even cardiac arrest. Don’t put your life on the line for a DIY repair!


Installing components incorrectly can cause an electrical fire in your home, putting your family and your home at risk.

Additionally, not receiving regular maintenance or having a professional set of eyes on your air conditioner unit can also result in a fire that could have otherwise been prevented had a professional caught the warning signs in time.

Hire Professionals for a Safe Air Conditioner Repair in Ann Arbor

Don’t set yourself up for the risks that come along with a DIY air conditioner repair! Keep yourself, your family, and your home safe by hiring a professional.

If you need to schedule an air conditioner repair in Ann Arbor, contact us today!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Uncovering the Hidden Costs of DIY Air Conditioner Repair

Interested in taking the DIY route for your air conditioner repair?

Many people spend hours researching videos on DIY repairs, yet when it comes to your air conditioner, it’s actually cheaper in the long run to hire a professional. 

Here are the hidden costs of DIY air conditioner repairs to look out for: 

Increased Price for Parts 

What you think you are saving in labor costs; you might be losing in the price for parts. HVAC professionals regularly work with manufacturers and often have partnerships with brands. This helps them purchase parts at a reduced price, making them cheaper for you than if you were to pay their regular retail price. 

When repairing your air conditioner, you also need the right tools for the job. Purchasing these tools is not cheap, which is another reason why working with professionals is a more cost-effective option. 

Increased Utility Bills

HVAC maintenance and repairs handled incorrectly will have a direct impact on your unit’s energy efficiency. Reduced energy efficiency can cause your utility bills to sky rocket, making the cost of professional maintenance seem like a bargain in comparison.

Our Experts in Air Conditioner Repair in Ann Arbor Will Help You Save Money!

Sometimes hiring experts truly is the most cost-effective route when it comes to home repairs. Check out our article to read more on ways DIY air conditioner repairs can go wrong!

If you need to schedule a professional air conditioner repair in Ann Arbor, contact us today! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Benefits of Spring HVAC Tune-Ups

Is your air conditioner ready to take on the summer heat?

As summertime approaches and temperatures begin to rise, it’s time to shift your focus from heating your home, to cooling it. 

Scheduling a spring HVAC tune-up is crucial to make sure your air conditioner is ready to perform at it’s best during the months you need it most. 

HVAC tune-ups are important because they: 

Lower Energy Bills 

Over time, dust, debris, and wear and tear takes a toll on your air conditioner. A spring tune up will ensure that its cleaned, lubricated and running at peak efficiency which will result in lower energy bills and better cooling performance.  

Extend the Lifespan of Your HVAC

Scheduling regular maintenance helps catch problems early, so they don’t snowball into costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns in scorching 90-degree summer weather later down the line.  Preventative maintenance also helps expand the lifespan of your HVAC unit, saving you money in the future. 

Improve Air Quality 

A clean and well-maintained air conditioner will improve your indoor air quality by reducing the circulation of dust, allergens, and pollutants. This is especially beneficial to those who suffer from allergies or respiratory issues. 

Read more in our latest article

Schedule a Tune-Up for Your Air Conditioner in Ann Arbor with CMR Mechanical

Don’t sweat this summer! Get a HVAC tune-up this spring so you can enjoy a cool, breezy home for the months to come. If you would like to schedule a technician to tune-up your air conditioner in Ann Arbor, contact us today and we will set you up with a professional to check your system so you can enter summer with peace of mind.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What Technicians Look at During Spring HVAC Tune-Ups

Have you noticed less air flow coming from your vents than usual?

When was the last time you had an HVAC tune-up?

After months of hibernation, your HVAC unit might not be in optimal condition to keep you cool and comfortable during the upcoming hot months. 

That’s why scheduling a spring HVAC tune-up is crucial to make sure your air conditioner is ready to perform efficiently during the months you need it most. 

Benefits of Scheduling a Spring HVAC Tune-Up

Healthy Refrigerant Levels: Refrigerant is the chemical that cools and dehumidifies the air in your home. If it falls below a certain point, your air won’t be as cool.

Tightened Electrical Connections: Loose electrical connections can cause your HVAC system to fail when you need it most, or can even turn into a safety hazard!

Calibrated Thermostat Settings: A properly calibrated thermostat is necessary for accurate temperature control and energy efficiency, and most importantly set to your comfort preferences. 

Read more in our latest article

Schedule a Tune-Up for Your Air Conditioner in Ann Arbor with CMR Mechanical

Don’t sweat this summer! Get a HVAC tune-up this spring so you can enjoy a cool, breezy home for the months to come. If you would like to schedule a technician to tune-up your air conditioner in Ann Arbor, contact us today and we will set you up with a professional to check your system so you can enter summer with peace of mind.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Benefits of a Mitsubishi Heat Pump in Michigan

Is a heat pump as efficient as an air conditioner?

For residents of a moody weather state like Michigan, having a source of temperature regulation that’s reliable and efficient is essential for everyday comfort.

The Benefits of Mitsubishi Heat Pumps for Michigan Residents:

Mitsubishi Heat Pump Ann Arbor

1. Energy Efficiency: Michigan experiences significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. Traditional HVAC systems often struggle to adapt, resulting in high energy bills. Mitsubishi Heat Pumps operate with exceptional efficiency, helping you reduce your carbon footprint while saving money on utility costs.

2. Consistent Comfort: With Mitsubishi Heat Pumps, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is effortless. These systems distribute warm or cool air evenly through your home, eliminating hot and cold spots that you get with traditional heating and cooling methods. Say goodbye to battling with blankets in one room while sweltering in another!

3. Customizable Solutions: Every home is unique, and Mitsubishi Heat Pumps offer customizable solutions to fit your needs. Whether you live in a cozy cottage or a sprawling estate, there's a heat pump model suited to your space and lifestyle. From single-zone units for targeted heating and cooling to multi-zone systems for whole-home comfort, Mitsubishi offers versatility without compromise.

Learn more about the benefits of a Mitsubishi heat pump in our latest article!

Mitsubishi Heat Pumps in Ann Arbor Provides Year-Round Comfort

Installing a Mitsubishi heat pump will keep you comfortable through the swinging temperatures of Michigan!  Contact us at (734) 424-1560 and ask us about our installation services–we’ll have you both comfortable and saving money in no time!